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Leverage Your Personal Story and Stand Out During Your Job Search

job hunting job interview tips job search advice Jul 24, 2024
Dia Kline at conference

Contributed by Dia Kline, Career Coach at Personal Touch Career Services

 Recently, I was invited to speak at the inaugural seminar for the National Smell and Taste Clinic at the NIH in Bethesda, MD. You can watch my speech here.


Despite not being a doctor, scientist, researcher, or clinician and not seeking a career in medicine, I was asked to speak at this esteemed event in front of smell and taste experts from around the world.


So why ask me, an actor, resume writer, and career coach, to speak? As a vocal disability advocate and proud congenital anosmic (someone born without the ability to smell), I bring a distinct personal narrative that speaks to the human side of medicine and treatment, a POV missing from the anosmia conversation. Simply put, I have a unique personal story that can make people listen.


The power of a personal story lies in its ability to help you stand out, leave a lasting impression, and even create tailored-made opportunities. It enables you to showcase your distinct experiences and viewpoints and demonstrate the impact you have had and can make. My personal story made me memorable.


Since I started speaking about my congenital anosmia in 2019, I have achieved numerous milestones, including winning multiple public speaking awards, receiving prestigious speaking invitations, becoming a thought leader on social media, making an impact as a disrupter within the scientific community (sorry, not sorry), authoring a blog post

and creating two highly-viewed videos for Lume Deodorant, Dia Kline | Congenital Anosmic Sniff Test | Lume Deodorant and Lume Deodorant | Congenital Anosmia 3-Day, 72-Hour Armpit Smell Test - Part 2, being interviewed on Colorado Public Radio, and being named as the first American Public Ambassador for Fifth Sense UK.


All these accomplishments stem from being true to myself and sharing my story.


This translates directly to the job search, where it is essential to leverage your personal story, unique skills, and relevant experiences to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting and memorable impression simply by communicating the power of you.


Do you leverage your story to help you stand out in your job search? Are you still trying to figure out where to start?


Donna Shannon and I are here to help. Take the first step by booking a free 30-minute resume review, and let's explore how you can leverage your personal story and make an impact during your job search.

Wondering how effective your job search is? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with one of our career coaches, Donna Shannon or Dia Kline

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